Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Welcome! Now tell me something about yourself! :)

Welcome everyone!!! Here is the blog where lots of new things will be happening VERY soon!

To start if off,

here are some facts about ME!

Share this post and leave a comment telling me a fact(s) about YOU! 

I want to learn more about YOU!!!!

So for now, here's some more about me with a few questions asked via formspring to end the post! :)

3-20-12 When you leave a comment, also include a random number to enter yourself in a free photo session give away! You can enter any number between 1 and 500 :)

I love meeting new people! 

I started editing and retouching photos before I started photography. 

I can never have a favorite of something. My mind and interests are always changing!

I always have big ideas. When I find something good, I want to share it with everyone! 

I prefer to purchase from local and family/self owned businesses. I know what it feels like to run a business and have someone interested in your product/services, so I am always trying new things and buying locally when I can! 

I love antique shops! I am a little old lady at soul (words of my friends and family) LOL 

I am super thrifty, I LOVE getting a good deal and shopping in thrift stores! 

The people on facebook saved my life.

I only had professional pictures done once of my own family. I regret it so much. 

I love when people tell me how Max has become apart of their life and how he has impacted them. I also love when people tell me how CUTE he is!!!! Gotta love him!! 

I have finally started to define who I truly am, I am learning more and learning to love myself more every day! It has been a struggle but I have learned I can not grow until I can accept and love myself! It is still a challenge and will always be! 

I literally spend MAYBE 5 minutes on my hair every day. I am in love with my 3 barrel iron! 

I love feeling pretty and sexy! 

I really listen to every genre of music. I like a little bit of everything. 

I love BOOTS! 

I love tattoos.

I do not drink or do any sort of drugs. I went to a drug treatment rehab facility for 8 months after years of trouble with the law, addictions and a toxic life style. I am now 3.5 years clean and sober!

I am probably the biggest dork ever! Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person in the world that acts completely goofy and insane when I get in the right mood LOL

I love to dance! 

I sleep with my son's teddy and blankey in the bed. I used to have to sleep with all of his animals, a few of his outfits and just be completely surrounded in his things. His things started to lose their smell so I  put them away and limited myself to 1 outfit, 1 teddy, and 1 blankey lol I used to fall asleep holding his teddy but I lost a lot of sleep that way because it was hard to get comfortable cause I didnt want to smoosh him. Now I just have to have the teddy somewhere in the bed, usually right next to me and he has to have covers too lol

I have played the piano ever since I was a little. I am always putting together new pieces, morphing songs and teaching myself how to play different songs by ear. I sit down and just play about once a day. I literally go into another place when I get going. It is a huge stress reliever for me! 

I often struggle with my self image and plastic surgery. There are 5 cosmetic surgeries that I feel would make me OK with how I look. 

I love food so much, though I am always trying to look for ways to eat healthier!

I love make up and trying new things with it and creating new looks.

I have a hundred different voices that I subconsciously use when I am in different moods.

I have an addiction to photography props. Our house is overflowing with antiques and random junk that I start hoarding LOL ask my mom :P 

I love animals so much but I am so allergic to everything. 

Being a mother is something that came and felt so natural to me. I can't wait to have a 2nd child and make my little man a proud big brother!!! 

Q: "What's your favorite color?"

A: Every time someone asks me this, I honestly have no idea. I think to myself, and there are just so many beautiful colors, it's overwhelming! I usually end up deciding that my favorite color is red because I look good in red and it stands for many important things :) So RED

Q: "What kind of camera do you use?"

A: I <3 Nikon!!!

Q: "how do you handle loosing your son? how do you go around children his age?"

A: When you experience something so painful and unnatural, your body goes into a numbing shock. You are so numb that you feel "okay" the first few weeks, "okay" enough to bury your child into the ground. Then the numbness wears off, and you nearly die too. Then you find things to occupy yourself with and find ways to honor and remember your child in a positive way. You start to feel better and feel happier and before you know it you are smiling again. Then, some days you wake up and there is just no possible way you are getting out of your bed because the pain is just too great. The truth is, you never get over it. You never heal. You never over come it. You learn to carry it, smile with it, tell about it, and share your grief. I never planned on "handling" losing my son. The second I was told he was going to die, I just told myself I would die too. I had no intention of living a minute without my son. But some how I did, and a big part of how I did, is through photography.

Children of all ages, but particularly babies can be very painful to "go around". It used to hurt me SO bad. I have held a new baby and cried so many times in front of everyone. I have smelled a poopy diaper and lost it. I have photographed a little boy turning 1 year old, went home and sobbed. But as I exposed myself to more and more children, I have gotten used to them, and learned to love them and see my son in every innocent soul.  I love all children and can no longer resent them for being here instead of my son. Especially after the birth of my nephew. I resented him and my sister her entire pregnancy, but as soon as he was born, I loved him. He helped me learn to love again, and gave me hope that one day, I too could love another child. I will always love Max. He was my first and only baby. I fell so deeply in love with him. I attached to him. I thought I could never love another person like I loved him, but I can. and I will, some day! For now, I know Max wants his momma to put all the love I have built up for him, into something good, and that's just what I am doing. 

Q: "Have you ever had any formal training in photography? Any class, any workshop, etc?" 

A: I am always tuning in online photography work shops, learning new things, constantly researching and trying to learn MORE. The learning never ends. I have not majored in photography or had any college education in photography. I am completely self taught and have learned many things through online workshops and photography forums along with my own experimenting and discovering. 

Q: "Did you graduate high school?"

A: Nope! I got my GED in May of 2011 and started my first semester of College at SVCC in August of 2011. I attended a semester of regular high school and decided it just was not for me. I transferred to an alternative school where I thrived and was able to get many credits ahead of the rest of my class. I got pregnant shortly after transferring schools which really motivated me to get a lot of work done so I could take time off to be with my baby. After my son was born I had an amazing teacher come to my home every morning at 9am to help me get a lesson done each day. After Maddox passed away, I tried to attend my alternative school again, just 1 month after we lost him. It was way too soon to try to attend school again, even though everyone was nothing but supportive, I just couldnt stop thinking about my baby all day long, and thinking about how happy and pregnant I was and how excited everyone at school was for my baby, only for me to return, as a grieving mother. My school was so amazing, everyone loved Max so much, but I decided it was the best choice for me to drop out from high school, and just move straight forward to college. It was and still is the best decision I could have made! 

2 of some of the most special people in my life! Peyton was like my first baby. She loves Max so much and still talks about him everyday. This is one of the few pictures I have of them together. She is such a good aunty! 

This is my tinkas, my wuzza, my wudda, my tinka ty, my ty guy,  my ty ty kai lan, wuzza wuzza woo woo, lol I love this little guy so much! Am very thankful for him, as he is Max's first cousin on momma's side! He reminds me of Max so much, I see Max in so many things that he does! He has shown me that I can love again! 

This is me. A photo I like of myself! It is so hard for me to be okay with who I am, how I look, and to decide what I want to do and how I want to be. I really have to try hard to tell myself, I am only human, and I can't make room to grow until I can just accept myself and go from there!  

I am human and just want to relate, connect and love with other people! Please share and comment on something that you'd like to share about yourself!!! I want to know what makes you, YOU! 

If there is something that you'd like to know about me, feel free to ask!!! I am happy to answer any questions you might have for me!!! I look forward to getting to know you!!!

Follow and subscribe!!! 

Don't forget to visit my website and facebook!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Valentine's Day Boudoir Sessions (INFO HERE)

Give your honey something special...

The photograph above belongs to MDR Photography, it is unlawful to download/copy/print this photo in any way

Saturday, January 7th, 2012
Comfort/Quality Inn Hotel, Dixon, IL


Package #1: $100.00  (50% deposit to book)
30 minute session in the highest quality, king size suite at the Comfort/Quality Inn
Professional Hair and Professional Make-up (A free product from Mary Kary too!!!)
Extensive yet natural looking editing, ensuring your body looks at it's best!
10 total edited images. 5 of my choice, 5 of yours
A high resolution DVD containing ALL images taken during your session
Copy Right Release/Full Printing Rights

Package #2: $70.00 (50% deposit to book)
30 minute session in the highest quality, king size suite at the Comfort/Quality Inn
Professional Hair and Professional Make-up (A free product from Mary Kary too!!!)
Extensive yet natural looking editing, ensuring your body looks at it's best!
5 high resolution, edited images, received via email 
Copy Right Release/Full Printing Rights on downloaded images

Your photos will be completed with plenty of time to get them printed and gift ready for THE most sexy, special, Valentine's day gift of all! 

Not only will this make the perfect gift, but it will help you embrace your womanhood and help you feel good about yourself! Every woman wants to feel beautiful and sexy! Do something for YOU! 

How to Book your Session ASAP!

You can contact me via email, facebook, or phone to book your session as soon as possible! To lock in the time slot you would like to schedule, the 50% non-refundable deposit must be paid first! After the payment is sent, then you will be permanently booked for your session. The other 50% will be do when you arrive for your session. There are only a limited number of session times available! 

What time do I show up to my session? Do outfit changes cut into my time?
We will discuss this when you book your session, but you will typically show up at least 1 hour before your actual session time, do get your hair and make up done, and to just relax and unwind so you can feel comfortable during your session. I will not have a timer buzzing off at 30 minutes sharp LOL We will do what we need to do, and I will take as many photos as I can in that time period! Trust me, it is more than enough time! :)

What if I have stretch marks and cellulite? I do not like my body! How can I feel sexy?

Relax! Forget about any insecurities you may have! Everyone has something about their body that they do not like. What I can tell you, is that you ARE beautiful, and the result of your images will ensure that even more! and like I said, I will be retouching and making the enhancements needed to create a flawless image! 

What do I wear? What should I bring? How can I prepare?!

Definitely do some shopping and find multiple  sexy that you feel comfortable in! You can wear anything you want, or nothing!  Heels, jewelry, false eye lashes and lace are common items that will help you feel at your sexiest! I highly encourage you to do some research, and just google the word, "boudoir". Find some unique, sexy ideas and make a list of what you like! Don't hesitate to  come to your session with a list of pose ideas and styles that you'd like to try! Also, be sure to look into how you would like your hair and make up done, so you can explain to the artists your idea too! Bring in any of your own items and make up that you'd like to use! 

Can I bring a friend?
I highly encourage bringing someone you feel comfortable with for support! If you feel comfortable by yourself, that is perfect! But by all means, a friend can provide some awesome support and tell you what does and does not look good, without hesitation! LOL 

Is boudoir  pornographic?
Not at all! Boudoir is sexy, revealing, yet classy! It is embracing your sexuality, feeling good about yourself, and many times, for your special someone! I will not intentionally photograph anything of pornographic nature. 

Will anyone be able to see my photos? 
Absolutely not. I would never share anything publicly without your permission. These photos are kept private and for only the eyes of whom you may wish to see them! If you see your photos and decide that you would like to share them, than of course! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! You will be amazed at how comfortable you get as our session goes on! Boudoir photographs are a very popular and tasteful way of producing artistic images of your bare body, and creating the perfect gift this Valentine's Day! 

Contact Me
email: mdrphotography91410@hotmail.com
phone: 779-861-1569